CA: Los Angeles

Daniel Corral. Photo by Marianne Williams.
Daniel Corral. Photo by Marianne Williams.

WHERE: REDCAT/The Roy and Edna Disney/CalArts Theater.

WHEN: Thursday, July 25 through August 10, 2013. Note: There will be three distinct programs over three consecutive weekends.

Paul Fraser and Deena Selenow. Photo by Vincent Richards.
Paul Fraser and Deena Selenow. Photo by Vincent Richards.

TITLE: New Original Works Festival

BRIEF ABOUT: A three-week celebration of Los Angeles’ vibrant community of artists making work for the stage. Featuring nine new original works by regional dance, theater, music and multimedia artists. “Each summer we transform our theater into a laboratory for artists who are interrogating disciplines, re-imagining traditions and exploring hybrid forms,” explains REDCAT associate director George Lugg. “The 10th New Original Works Festival marks a decade of artistic experimentation and new visions of work for the stage. And for three weekends, we share their results with festival audiences ready to encounter artists taking the next step.”

MORE DETAILS: Call 213.237.2800 or see