VA: Lorton

WHERE: Workhouse Art Center.

WHEN: On view through September 8, 2013.

“Youth Expression # 1” by Alexandra Stasko.
“Youth Expression # 1” by Alexandra Stasko.

3rd Annual Clay National Ceramics Exhibition

BRIEF ABOUT: A juried exhibition by ceramic artist and area head of ceramics at the University of South Carolina Virginia Scotchie, the works are of functional and sculptural ceramic art from across the country. The pieces chosen for the exhibition represent the variety of different styles and trends that exist in the ceramic art field today. “….I asked myself a number of questions as I looked at each work; did the work have visual impact, was the work well composed and well designed? What was the work about, did the artist seem to have a clear sense of what they were communicating and what the work was expressing? said Judge Scotchie. “I am happy to say that many ceramic works in this exhibition could have been Best of Show or received recognition with a juror’s award. It was hard to choose from so many excellent works submitted.”