AL: Huntsville

WHERE: Huntsville Museum of Art.

 Opens Saturday, January 25 through May 18, 2014.

“Pink Cloud 2013” by Rocío Rodríguez, acrylic and graphite on plywood.
“Pink Cloud 2013” by Rocío Rodríguez, acrylic and graphite on plywood.

Encounters: Rocío Rodríguez

     This long-running regional art showcase will continue with Atlanta artist Rocío Rodríguez’s signature abstract drawings and paintings that explore opposing and divergent forces, and function metaphorically to suggest the conflicting emotions present in our daily lives. 

     Rodríguez deconstructs the process of painting in her new work, questioning the fixed boundaries between abstract and representational space. Her images present a diverse palette ranging from black, white and grey, to intense red, pink, and yellow, expressing a varying emotional temperament.

 Opens Sunday, February 2 through May 4, 2014.

 Adrián Villeta: Romantic Portraitist


Adrián Villeta, Nydia (1995) black and white negative on sepia tone print hand painted on fiber paper.
Adrián Villeta, Nydia (1995) black and white negative on sepia tone print hand painted on fiber paper.

    Guest curated by Gloria Vanderbilt, this exhibition features the work of a unique portrait artist who combines painting and photography into a theatrical and romantic vision.

     Villeta’s work captures the grace and elegance of bygone era, while celebrating the modern virtues of strength, independence, and self confidence in his subjects. 

     Born in San Juan, Puerto Rico, Villeta’s photos are based on a strict study. Through an in-depth analysis of various elements, such as light, color and atmosphere- as well as an insistent to search to show unique details- each work is presented as a reality in itself.




The Huntsville Museum of Art, North Alabama’s leading visual arts center, moved to its beautiful facility in Big Spring International Park in March 1998. The nationally-accredited Museum fills its thirteen galleries with a variety of exhibitions throughout the year, including prestigious traveling exhibits and the work of nationally and regionally acclaimed artists.

huntsvillealabamaartmuseum     The Museum’s own permanent collection is comprised of over 3,000 objects and also forms the basis for several exhibitions each year. In addition, the Museum offers reception areas on the gallery level and in the Great Hall for weddings, meetings and other events. Visitors can also shop for local art in SPACE 300, Art for Today’s Collector.

     Named as one of the state’s “Top 10” destinations by the Alabama Bureau of Tourism and Travel, the Huntsville Museum of Art is gaining a reputation throughout the South for bringing high-caliber touring exhibitions to the region. Nearly 40,000 people visited the Museum during A Taste for Splendor: Russian Imperial and European Treasures from the Hillwood Museum. Another 23,000 visited the blockbuster exhibition Land of the Winged Horsemen: Art in Poland.