Exhibit draws the patrons

The peonies are in full bloom along the pathways to the Center.

The Charles and Vera Wassenberg’s legacy came to full bloom again on Friday, May 31, 2019 as the Annual June Art Exhibit opened its 64th in its 12,000 sq. ft. home that bears their name: The Wassenberg Art Center in Van Wert, Ohio. Some 176 works consisting of paintings, drawings, ceramics and sculptures proudly dressed the main gallery, including the reporter’s estimate of 400 partaking in the array of all traditional activities, being, the live music performance, this year by the Ben Daniels Band.


Awards were presented by Wassenberg’s Directors, Hope Wallace and Matthew Temple to the following from Ohio: Brenda Hofbauer, Bryan, Charles F. Wassenberg AwardDeb Curtis, Findlay, David Humphreys Miller Memorial AwardJoseph Bonifas, Spencerville, Douglas Edward Koch Memorial Award; Kay Sluterbeck, Van Wert, Marguerite Fryer Memorial Award; Debby Gregory, St. Marys, Marilla Connors Memorial Award; Julie Baltes, Coldwater, Pat Pancake Memorial Award; William John Jr., Lima, Robin Carol Cartwright Memorial AwardLanna Pendleton-Hall, Montpelier, Van Wert Foundation Award; Indiana: (Fort Wayne) Susan Wenger, Gertrude Sluterbeck Memorial Award; Maeve Cook, Vera Woodruff Wassenberg Award; and Sue Davis, Sara Green Memorial Award.

Guests complimentary enjoying foods and drinks.

The Wassenberg Art Center Merit Awards to: Tom Lehman, Elida; Lisa Vottero, Columbus; Kimberly Rorick, Ossian, Indiana.

Artworks lined the walls in this 12,000 sq. ft. main gallery section.

Honorable Mentions to: Jodi Knoch, Wapakoneta, Ohio;  Robert Minto, Mt. Cory, Ohio; and Linda Eachus Pelton, Hicksville, Ohio.

The dedication of the new Wassenberg Art Park was officially celebrated recently. This picture only captures a far view of the Van Wert County Courthouse.

Jurors William and Melissa (Eddings) Mancuso, who are not only artists, but also professors of Art at Ohio Northern University, wrote in part, “Judging an art exhibition of this caliber was both challenging and rewarding. Having more than one juror becomes an exercise in enlightenment, debate and negotiation. Our differing opinions aside, craftsmanship and presentation are what caught our eye and drew us in; a well-organized and provocative concept is what held us there…”

Exhibitor Bruce Chesser of Bluffton, Ohio poses next to his soda fired ceramic entries.

For more information, see: www.wassenbergartcenter.org. The exhibit is on view through June 30, 2019.