Art of Story Telling

Have you ever tried to tell a story but the words get so twisted that the entire story becomes a disaster? There is an art to storytelling and it has been met by some of the greatest minds on earth.

     Storytelling is the ability to communicate and connect with anyone and is an art that few people possess. Harder yet, is the ability to put your story telling abilities on paper and creating an awesome novel. Some great storytellers are as famous as Walt Disney, Steve Jobs or John Grisham. However, there are talented people among us that can grab your attention with their dialogue in print, and one is Jared Nathan Garrett, who has been a Facebook friend of mine through a writing site for well over 20 years.

Initially, I never read any of his work from cover to cover, but I was intrigued with his positive nature and enthusiasm with life from his posts. The latter spurred me to begin reading his work and I found it amazingly simple to relate to.  Unlike some books that lead you deep into a boring encounter before finally getting to the point, Jared’s way with words captivated me from the beginning.

     Garrett’s first novel, “Beyond the Cabin” takes you on a journey inside the cult and what life is like for the children forced into this way of life.   You see, Jared spent many of his adolescent and teen years in a commune in Texas.

“I don’t remember not being able to read. I’ve been reading non‐stop since before I was five. When I was eleven years old, I was put in a very hard living situation that was relentlessly unstable and unhealthy, and I turned to stories for comfort,” said author Garrett.

Jared is credited for writing several other books, including the best‐ seller Beat series. His imagination and storytelling abilities are a great combination for losing yourself in that perfect novel.

     “I read every fantasy, science fiction, horror, thriller and romance book at the Oak Lawn branch of the Dallas Public Library. And as I read, I began to crave what I was reading: true love, heroism, fighting against tyranny and evil, and never giving up,” said Garrett.

He escaped the cult when he was 17, finished high school in Utah and went on to study at Brigham Young University and earned a Bachelor’s in Linguistics and a Masters in English Teaching and Instructional Psychology.

Jared has taught in Yamagata, Japan, Kaohsiung, Taiwan and a high‐ risk high school in Anchorage, Alaska. The list goes on with coaching executives at worldwide Amazon locations and serving Mission for two years in Brazil.

Bridge to Terabithia by Katherine Paterson made me cry and lifted me and carried me away. I wanted to do that to other people. Stories are my hobby, preoccupation and career focus,” said Garrett.

In 1998, Jared married his college sweetheart, Annemarie. They have 7 children and reside in Utah. He has traded in the full time teaching jobs for working from home as a consultant, freelancer and a full‐ time dad while Annemarie practices law.

Not all childhoods are perfect, but you can make your life matter with a good attitude, perseverance and a belief in your Higher Power. For an updated listing of all his books and more:

By Kate Eglan‐Garton/AAPJ


Jared Nation-released 10-2021-LAAG Journal-Art-to-Art Palette Journal

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