Drews: ‘Ali does an incredible job’

     (PNAN-SC) – “I am honored to be chosen Museum Educator of the Year by the South Carolina Art Education Association,” said Ali Borchardt. “Both the Columbia Museum of Art and SCAEA work hard to provide quality art education for the youth of South Carolina. Exposure to the arts provides the creative problem solving, imagination, resourcefulness and media literacy necessary to produce high achieving well-rounded students. I am gratified to be able to work in an area of education that has such a lasting impact on students and the community at large.”

     The criteria comprises multiple objectives that qualifies the giving of the educational award, including the professional focus on quality art education programs, making the public aware of the importance of  art education, setting the standards and demonstrating with tangible results.

     “People don’t always think of museums first for education, but we have some really great museums in this state and they do a lot,” SCAEA president-elect, said Josh Drews. “Ali does an incredible job. This museum does so much for educators – the Evening for Educators before every exhibition is awesome.”

     For more information, call 803.799.2810 or see www.columbiamuseumorg. The museum is located at 1515 Main Street in downtown Columbia.