She creates works of ‘oppressed’ beauty

"Conversation With Artist" collage, acrylic, oil, chalk on board

    Larisa Pilinsky aka Lark does not view nature as a peaceful, pleasing gift of color and beauty where everything is perfectly placed.  The abstract form that Lark presents opens the subconscious to see beyond what is real and what could be.  The result is unusually calming and provocative at the same time.

     Take “White Eagle Night” as an example.  Clouds magically display a natural appeal that rests inside the minds of most, but is never allowed to be exposed because of the unacceptable sameness that has been drilled into us.  The hint of an eagle perched on a tree stump is a metamorphosis that entertains the senses and leaves a new transformation with every view.

     Artist Pilinsky was born in the remote mountains of central Asia and raised in the Ukraine.  She attributes much of her self-expression of nature to the oppressed environment that was forced upon her.  Using spiritual meditation and allowing her senses to see the beauty of nature as it was intended, helped to keep Larisa’s perceptions alive, bringing forth her innate skill of painting works of art.

     Immigrating to the United States in 1991, Pilinsky concentrates on not only nature, but also articles that are recycled or just entertaining with the light and space of their presence. “I can stop right in the middle of my studio after seeing something that attracts my attention. It could be a broken mechanism or an interesting combination of colorful papers and cardboards. Or just a torn shoe lace tenderly hugging another torn shoe lace, the two of them starting a new drama for me,” says Lark.

"White Eagle Night"

    In 1994, Lark Gallery Online (LGO) was established as a way to give international talented artists the exposure they deserve.  Among the founders were leaders of the Bunker Art Group, an acclaimed group of artists that refused to be repressed by the Soviet oppression.  Their strength has gained international attention through their work with young low-income artists and flowed easily to the creation of Lark Gallery.  Pilinsky is the President of LGO and is actively involved in the educational, curatorial and fund-raising activities of the organization. 

     The main goal behind LGO is to present art that evokes thinking, which leads to discovery and inspires creativity.  Furthermore, by teaching people of all ages to understand the art language of the 21st century academically, in conjunction with the application processes used to convey color, shape, texture and line; together they bridge the gap of prejudice in language, religion and philosophy.

"Mrs Violine" collage, assemblage, mix media on board

     The marriage of art and music has been unveiled recently by LGO that offers the combination of art and complementary music to increase the flow of creativity that exists in all of us. “It is our way to forge a new and invigorating way to enjoy art,” said Lark.

     Larisa Pilinsky has taken her experiences of growing up in Russia and woven into an opportunity that did not exist.  She continues to paint and explore everything that the world presents and teaching us that expression of the subconscious does not have to be a rare and unusual thing.

     For more on this pioneer for the Arts, including all of LGO’s professional and  educational benefits – see

Print version download: A portrait of Larisa Pilinsky-USA-Russia

3 thoughts on “She creates works of ‘oppressed’ beauty

  1. Larisa has been an inspiration and extremely encouraging. I am new to LarkGallery Online, in fact as a newcomer to the USA and since becoming represented by LGO, things have really been happening for me in the art world. ‘Lark’ is an amazing woman and artist and her feature explodes with respect about this exceptional person!

  2. Max Skeans

    - Edit

    Ok to be fair, I did read the entire article. NONSENSE. What artist who has kicked the street drugs ever thinks anything in nature is perfectly placed? Instead, has the author studied enough art history to be allowed to call this work what… it is; surrealism? Apparently, Pilinsky is under the influence of a certain theology which advocates mankind being SEPERATE from nature which justifies her tinkering with an AKA…utter nonsense. By the way, just as a little faux pas on the author’s part, the ‘subconscious’ is removed from the rational world of ‘seeing’ and processing what is seen…I don’t doubt the artist is an ‘amazing woman’ which draws more attention to such profound statements as, “The main goal behind LGO is to present art that evokes thinking….” Ok, I’ll bite….what visual experience DOES NOT evoke thought, critical or otherwise?

  3. Lark is not an artist that needs to speak as her works speak volumes in several languages, techniques, styles, energies, media and subject matter. As I and others move from one artwork to the next, we are bewildered by this artist that captures a lyrical sun. At the other end of the spectrum, she uses found functional objects and transforms them into art. In oil you can see the influence of Munch and Monet, yet is it an original Lark painting. “Green Art” is so vogue now, but it is another vehicle for Lark to express herself.

    Yes, she is a woman artist and people have to attach labels. In the case of her “Sun Paintings” on canvas, they are her feminine side, but the montage/mix media works are masculine. In this style, she attacks the multi-surfaces with very bold compositions and the strokes of a master calligrapher.

    Her paintings warm your heart and bring shine into any room. Her montages challenge the observer about social and political images from AIDS to liberation of Jews from Russia. It is all out there. Her works are there to sooth you on canvas. Stand back and be ready for collage/montage works. You will moved, impressed, angry, sad and a range of emotions that are to elicited by your mind and heart.
    Tony Clark, Chevalier dans l’Ordre des Arts et des Lettres,

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