Art center new location is ageless

     (NWPR) – Known as those upstairs storage areas, in the century old buildings that line downtown many main thoroughfares have and are becoming

Judy Grone

the center stages that bustle with the Arts. This year in the City of Delphos, located in West Central Ohio, surrounded by three counties: Van Wert, Allen and Putnam with the famed Route 66 running through it, and once served by those

Mike Bendele with work

 boats on the Miami-Erie Canal, including the “Marguerite,” a pleasure ship, the Delphos Area Art Guild (DAAG) celebrated not only its seventh annual Artfest show, but also in the new home of the Museum of Postal History during this city’s 53rd Canal Days Festival.

     DAAG founder Judy Grone recalls when the dream became a reality with its first exhibition. It was held in a former bank that also had that once ago classic architectural appeal.

     The show of 52 works opened Friday, September 17 and remains on view through Canal Days, was juried by Mike Huffman. In the 2-D category the Best of show went to Tom Emerine for his “Wild Purity”; First Place: Barbara Sailor, “Quintet”; Second Place: “Tchaikovsky” by Kay Sluterbeck; Third Place: “Dena” by Dan Knepper; Honorable Mention: “Volunteers” by Debra Henkener. 3-D category, First Place: “View over the Auglaize” by Joe Bonifas; Second Place: “Shattered & Suffocated” by Kay Wilusz; Third Place: “Going Up” by Mike Bendele; and Honorable Mention: “Empty Nest Syndrome” by Kay Wilusz. The

“Autumn Harvest” by Sue Nocera, Green Tea Series, 11"H x 14"W, Poured Watercolor

People’s Choice Award went to Gary Hovey of New Knoxville.

      Referring to the main gallery’s interior, “New York, New York” said Pat Rayman, who is a past art teacher in the Delphos City Schools and also the founder of Art-to-Art: Building Friendships Through Art (1986-2006), that was a k-12 art education program with its roots in Van Wert County/Delphos, grew to become a national success. “Those towering brick walls, originally flooring, unfinished ceiling, and the new track lighting that spotlights the artworks, takes me back to my East Coast roots.”

      The Delphos Area Art Guild is comprised of artists from the northwest Ohio area working in various mediums. As a non-profit, the entity promotes and encourages the development and appreciation of art in various forms, including by offering adult and children educational classes and programs. Meetings are held every third Tuesday of each month at 7:00 pm.

     For more information, call Judy Grone at: 419-692-0034 or 419-695-8405, or email:, or see DAAG on Facebook.

One thought on “Art center new location is ageless

  1. Marge Brandt

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    Hi Judy: I love the new place. You can be very proud. I hope to join your group in the spring as I will be spending the winter in Tenn. Do keep me informed. Marge Brandt

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