Art-to-Art Palette Journal

A childhood memory of love and lols

Records in print, whether they be books, journals, photographs or paintings are visual aids by which the eye and the heart join in a recollection of a reality that was and is, uniting them as one, granting them an instant snapshot of a once; somewhat in an outer body experience, yet in person to those physically unreachable places now.

Robert Frost’s poem, “The Road Not Taken” – the last three lines: “Two roads diverged in a wood, and I, I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference,” best describes what I found to be a huge, gigantic time in my youth that engulfed my living and the book, “The Man Behind the Nose: Assassins, Astronauts, Cannibals, and Other Stupendous Tales” by Larry “Bozo” Harmon with Thomas Scott McKenzie has given me that resurgence to witness those untouchable events, no different than in the movie, “Way We Were” as well as that little ‘gathering’ in Woodstock, New York in the 60s, including those four young men, who’s song, “I Want to Hold Your Hand” is also a reminder what Bozo did for the boy back then, filling him with so much happiness and hours and hours of lols.

In this review, part of me struggles to singular out any one part in the book that would encourage the millions, who were also entertained by Bozo the Clown, to not to hesitate to purchase and take a reading journey. The fact is, the whole book is a Van Gogh in print. As I read this historical document, it undoubtedly proved to be also a testament to my good times with Bozo; in fact, his tales opened up every vein in my memory to all of my favorite times spent with him.

There is another part about “The Man Behind the Nose: Assassins, Astronauts, Cannibals, and Other Stupendous Tales” —  the book’s design has rightfully achieved a ‘Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts’ honor as an extraordinary visual accreditation that soars with immortality that exhibits a man’s life with the same richness as the written content.

In my childhood years, I cannot recall what I wanted out of life, but in it, I had to have that funny-looking man with big hair, ears and that red nose.  However today, Larry’s book serves me as a reminder, when it comes to making things work, including what it takes to put one’s own stamp of approval on it — working in a tireless never ending giving up mode to reach an accord with what is right and wrong — no one walks alone because his life story, as I can see it, can also be summed up by Robert Kirby of the Utah County Journal: “The mark of a true professional is giving more than you get.” My treasure chest is still full.

Review by Ben Rayman

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