Art-to-Art Palette Journal

A festive flood of craftworks

ANCHORAGE, AK (PNAN) – Friday, November 25 and Saturday, November 26, 2022 in the Anchorage Museum atrium from 10:00 to 6:00 pm, “Crafted in Alaska” will be a curated mix of dozens of handmade products including jewelry, textile and fabric art, pottery, printed designs and more up for sale in an atmosphere of festive music and décor. A portion of the proceeds support Anchorage Museum programs and exhibitions.

The artworks on view in the Patricia B. Wolf Galleries through March 5, 2023 are created by artists from across the state in medias from drawing, painting, mixed media, craft, jewelry, fiber art, visual art, metalsmithing, printmaking, encaustic, ceramic, book/paper arts and photography.

While in the museum take in the several exhibitions on view such as, the “Alaska Biennial” that celebrates place through the lens of contemporary art. This year new additions to the show consists of written work, sound art and performance art.

Salmon Dip-netting Season by Grace Choi.
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