A modern ‘masterpiece’ in print

As an artist and educator, I was hugely impressed with the book, “Masterpieces of American Modernism: From the Vilcek Foundation” by art historians William C. Agee and Lewis Kachur with contributions also by Rick Kinsel and Emily Schuchardt Navratil.

masterpieces of American Moderism book jacket     Modernism began in the late 19th century and included many talented artists such as, Arthur Dove and Stuart Davis. These artists escaped the visual representational art and developed their own vision of the world.

Modernists were not afraid to experiment with line, shape and color. For example, Georgia O’Keeffe was inspired by the many moods of New Mexico. Her stylized technique in the painting, “Black Place II” simplifies a group of foothills to basic shapes and values.

Issued by Merrell Publishers (www.merrellpublishers.com) of London and New York, I cannot say enough about the book’s design, but briefly a clean-cut absolute treasure not only pleasing to the eye, but also a tribute to Modern Art, which is fully documented in this book, with pages and pages of beautiful prints of paintings and sculptures, as well as the Artists’ Biographies section, which I found to be educationally spectacular.

Review by Pat Rayman