A reflection of a colorful personality

The book Paint Brushes for Freda by Véronique Massenot and Elise Mansot is a children’s book inspired by artist Frida Kahlo, who at age 6 had polio and loss the use of her right leg and at age 18, Freda was in a street car accident.

After many operations and now bedridden, this book is her journey that beautifully illustrates how she managed her injuries by visually offering the reader an upfront and personal insight about herself; one that rightfully portrays a personality of strength, kindness and love which is exceptionally found within her bold, colorful and imaginary works of art. Many are self-portraits that made my eyes happy and brought lots of smiles.

In my thirty-two years teaching children, I completely recommend this book to be catalogued in art education rooms across the globe. https://www.amazon.com/Paint-Brushes-Frida-Childrens-Inspired/dp/3791374915

Review by Pat Rayman

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