A voice for humanity to ‘rise’ again

     (PNAN-CANADA) – Filmmakers, Toronto Pictures “wants the rights of women and children respected,” as  summed up by Bruno Pischiutta, and he remains on that path because they “want to win the fight against ignorance and bigotry.” Currently in production, “Abused in America” takes on child mistreatment with the filming Romania.

Jody Jaress

     Out of the thousands casted for roles, the eighty-seven actors are from not only Romania, but also Austria, Germany, Holland, England, India, South Africa, Canada, including the United States who were chosen: Jody Jaress in the lead role as Carol; Richard Meehan is Daniel;  Savannah Reinitzer, Madison; and Carl Anders plays Frank.

Richard Meehan

     The company, Toronto Pictures began in 1996 with its mission-driven platform to record current controversial issues. Their films give rise to about what is ethically right and are presented in a non-violent viewing forum.  “It is a new world; it is time for a new morality,” says Film Director Pischiutta. “We want to use film as an artistic weapon to improve the lifestyle and mentality of the viewers, to make their life better and to make them think in a positive way about major social problems that anguish our world today.”

Savannah Reinitzer

     In their most recent big screen production, “Punctured Hope” deals with the practice of women slavery and genital mutilation in the Volta region, known as Trokosi. The film qualified for nomination consideration at the 2010 Academy Awards® in the category of “Best Picture” and it was nominated by the Political Film Society in Hollywood in two categories, “Best Film Expose” and “Best Film on Human Rights” of 2009.

     Also on the company’s agenda and set to open this year in Manzini, the Kingdom of Swaziland Film Academy is an educational center fostering the art of cinematography in Africa. They will begin a motion picture production based on the devastating phenomenon of HIV/AIDS in Southern Africa. The film will showcase for first time, the reality of this epidemic in Africa, especially in Swaziland that has the highest pro-capita percentage of people infected with the virus in the world.

Carl Anders

     “We don’t just want to make movies; we want to make movies that educate, inspire and move people towards change proactively. Our artistic mission is to elevate awareness regarding issues of the moment and to influence social and cultural consciousness globally,” said Producer Daria Trifu.

     It appears Toronto Pictures could lay claim to these words by Henry David Thoreau: “If I seem to boast more than is becoming, my excuse is that I brag for humanity rather than for myself,” as they charge forward in producing global visual and audio artworks which fight intellectual pollution, stupidity, racism and discrimination.

     For more information, see www.torontopictures.com or

 http://jodyjaress.com or www.wix.com/richardmeehan/bio1 or www.carlanders.net or http://torontopictures.ning.com/profile/SavannahReinitzer

Editor’s note: The projected financials on the feature film, “Abused in America” for investors are outstanding to the point of a plus 400% return. An example of $100k investment should earn an additional $120k, including $310,640.00 from Profit Share: 1% of the film’s worldwide profit (theatrical, TV, DVD, etc.) for a total of 3 years from the date of release of the film. For other investment amounts, contact Producer Daria Trifu directly at (1) 646.300.9232 or email globalfilmstudio@gmail.com or register and become part of TP’s family at www.torontopictures.com and follow how Film Director Pischiutta’s delivers humanity on the road of “new morality” and never having to ask a child to leave the room. However, there is more to this company and the way I can express what I found to be prevalent are in the words by Robert Francis Kennedy (1925-1968) US Attorny General:  “Each time a man stands for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring, those ripples build a current which can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance.”

Print download: Abused in America-Toronto Pictures release-aapj

15 thoughts on “A voice for humanity to ‘rise’ again

  1. They say the great inventions were triggered by the specific context in a certain era. Likewise, it was time that the world was enriched by such a movie. Congratulations to Toronto Pictures for engaging in the difficult task of changing mentalities and with their experience in making meaningful powerful movies, they are surely the best team that can achieve this. What better way to make a difference than through art? I am looking forward to see “Abused in America” and I’m certain it will be a masterpiece.

  2. I am so thrilled to be a part of a heartfelt film embracing powerful dynamic change. Bruno and Daria’s proactive generosity makes a difference in the lives of others. Open your heart and evolve.

  3. Gabriela

    - Edit

    Very good the article and congratulations to Toronto Pictures for all! I am looking forward to see “Abused in America” and I think it will be a great movie and I am sure of it!

  4. Alexandra

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    Leo Rosten once said, ”The purpose of life is not to be happy, but to matter, to be productive, to be useful, to have it make some difference that you have lived at all.” I am confident, “Abused in America” by the power of its message will make a difference and it will change something in this world of ours!

  5. Andreea

    - Edit

    Toronto Pictures rebuilds an ethical use of storytelling… if we need a mirror for what we have become… here it is!

  6. One of the most important moments of my career in over thirty five years performing in music, acting, writing and producing, was when I had the great fortune to get to know Bruno Pischiutta and Daria Trifu from Toronto Pictures.
    They are truly an inspiration to me, a life long activist in all aspects of human betterment and development. It is with the greatest of honor and with the greatest respect that I work side by side with them to change this world one work of art, one piece of music, one act of conscious giving and caring for others time!!
    I am forever grateful for the work Toronto Pictures is doing worldwide to change this planet into a better place to be.

    For all of us,
    Jade’an Blue Jay” Jourden/Music Producer/Coordinator/Toronto Pictures

  7. If ever there were two individuals who work as one with the greatest integrity, vision, passion and commitment to their life’s purpose, it is Daria and Bruno. Such visionaries….and fearless! I am blessed to know them, to support every aspect of their global reach.

    Thank you Daria and Bruno for who you are.

  8. I have not forgotten you guys…. good work….I will talk to my friend, Mark Zucker, head of Int. Distr. @ Sony… look to also set up deals where movie can go directly to internet and i phones…..peace and love

  9. I feel so blessed of the fact I am able to share myself by bringing this topic to light. This is a special production co., one who cares about the subjects and content of it’s work more than any other aspect. Thank you for granting me to opportunity to work with you and breathe life into your vision.


  10. Such an important topic it is that you are addressing. I am absolutely honored to be a part of bringing this project to the screen and the subject matter into the light. We generally see movies just as entertainment, but this movie will be not just entertainment; morever, an opportunity for enlightenment, teaching some and giving others the courage to step out of the dark.
    Cheryl Denise

  11. As the curtain rises, the truth will be revealed. As the curtain falls, my prayer for America and for the world is that the abusers will begin to realize their crimes against humanity and begin their own transformation into dignity.
    Bruno and Daria stand for the respect and dignity of all people everywhere: one race – a dignified and honorable human race. To this end they have my full support.
    Boyd Sibley, President, The Hope for World Peace Foundation

  12. Nubia Buitrago

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    Mr. Bruno and Daria you both are an inspiration to so many people and you inspire hope, a voice for those who can’t speak out for themselves, respect and dignity for those abused in different ways. I’m sure that Abused In America will be a big success into changing the mentality in a good way for the viewers, as for the abusers and the abused. I am proud of both of you and proud to be part of the film!

  13. Optimist Youth Homes and Family Services is proud to be a part of this great adventure and we thank Adhara Properties and Toronto Pictures for the opportunity.

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