Artist’s new works debut

On view through August 25, 2019 at the Carnegie Museum of Art in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania will be a new body of work from American painter Ruth Root, in the 81st installment of its Forum series, dedicated to contemporary art.


Ruth Root, Untitled, 2017, fabric, plexiglass, enamel paint, and spray paint, 86 × 67 ¾ in. (218.4 × 172.1 cm); Image courtesy the artist and Andrew Kreps Gallery, New York.

I think synthesizing information and making connections between everyday things, art things, and things happening in the world is essential for paintings,” expressed artist Ruth Root. This is her first solo exhibition at a major American museum and Root will also be present during the Thursday opening and Gallery Talk between 7:00-8:00 pm.

A skilled and accomplished pioneer, Ruth Root (b. Chicago, IL, 1967) fashions eccentrically shaped paintings that dazzle and perplex with their play of pattern and found imagery. For another perspective view on Root, read:

Each of Root’s latest works, which combine abstraction and digital printing, include a shaped panel painted with acrylic and spray paint suspended from a flexible sewn form that has been covered with the artist’s own fabric designs.

Ruth Root, Untitled, 2017, fabric, plexiglass, enamel paint, and spray paint, 47 ½ × 80 in. (120.7 × 203.2 cm); Image courtesy the artist and Andrew Kreps Gallery, New York.

In addition to the exhibition, Root has collaborated with museum staff to create an interactive scavenger hunt based on her research visits to CMOA called “Looking and Drawing with Ruth Root.” Visitors of all ages are invited to take a free copy of the guide and follow the artist’s imaginative prompts to explore the museum’s permanent collection of paintings through her eyes.

More at: or call 412.622.3131


Initiated in 1990, the Forum series is a dynamic program of exhibitions by some of today’s most innovative contemporary artists. As an ongoing series, which is presented in a dedicated gallery, remains a vital aspect of CMOA’s contemporary program today. It has presented more than 80 exhibitions since its inception, many of which have been museum debuts for artists who have gone on on achieve international renown. Artists featured in past include: Jeff Wall, Yasumasa Morimura, Ann Hamilton, Thaddeus Mosley, Kiki Smith, Mel Bochner, Rivane Neuenschwander, Ragnar Kjartansson, Cory Arcangel, Alison Knowles, Ian Cheng, and many others.