Art-to-Art Palette Journal

Benefits of swimming


Swimming offers more than just a great aerobic workout. If you are considering joining a gym, consider a facility that houses a pool. The benefits could be greater than ever imagined.

1 – Improved Lung Function: Studies have shown that swimming can improve the overall condition of the lungs. In a study, a group of children that completed a six-week swimming program saw improvements in lung related illnesses. These benefits were still noted a year after the swimming program ended. Swimming increases overall lung volume and teaches good breathing techniques.

2 – More Joint and Muscle Flexibility: Swimming requires you to reach, stretch, twist and pull your way through the water. Pushing against liquid pressure forces the joints and muscles to work together. Water helps to relieve pain and stiffness that may otherwise occur in dry stretching.

3 – Burn more Calories: Depending on the stroke you choose and your intensity, swimming can burn equal or greater calories than running. For example, 10 minutes of swimming you burn 60 calories with the breast stroke, 80 calories with the backstroke, 100 calories with freestyle and an impressive 150 with the butterfly stroke.

4 – Reduce Stress and Depression: Happy hormones are healthy hormones. In addition to releasing endorphins, swimming is calming and meditative, not unlike yoga. The sound of your breathing and the water rushing by helps to focus inward and drown out all other distractions. This lowers stress and depression naturally.

5 – Stretch your Mortality: While all exercise can produce greater health and longevity, studies point to swimming as one of the best choices for doing so. Researchers at the University of South Carolina looked at 40,547 men, aged 20 to 90, for over 32 years. The results showed that those who swam had a 50 percent lower death rate than runners, walkers or men who didn’t exercise.

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