CA: San Francisco

WHERE: Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, San Francisco

WHEN: Thursday, September 29, 2011 – Sunday, January 22, 2012

TITLE: Imagecity: Selections from “Video Cubano”

BRIEF ABOUT: A compilation of recent videos from The 8th Floor gallery in New York featuring established and emerging artists, Jeosviel Abstengo-Chaviano, Analía Amaya, Adonis Flores, Luis Gárciga, Ricardo Miguel Hernández, Hamlet Lavastida, Ernesto Leal, Glenda León, and Lázaro Saavedra,  based in Cuba. The exhibit a contemporary world through the lens of Cuban culture. The videos treat a range of subjects, from politics and the Castro regime to more lyrical concerns involving symphonic cityscapes and shifting skyscapes.

MORE DETAILS: Call 415.978.2787 or

Palette News Arts Network/PNAN