Art-to-Art Palette Journal

CA: San Francisco

WHERE: Chinese Culture Center of San Francisco.

WHEN: Saturday, March 3, 1:00-4:00 pm.

TITLE: Building the Next American Revolution: A Celebration and Tribute to Grace Lee Boggs

BRIEF ABOUT: Now age 96 and born to Chinese immigrants, Grace Lee Boggs is a long-time activist and writer who has committed over 70 years of her life to building a movement for social change. She is a legendary figure in the civil rights and Black power movement, and today Grace continues to devote her life to developing new young leaders and a vision for the 21st century. The program will also include cultural performances, long-time friend and actor Danny Glover and Scott Kurashige, Professor of American culture and history and co-author of Grace’s book, “the Next American Revolution: Sustainable Activism for the Twenty-First Century.


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