Art-to-Art Palette Journal

CA: San Francisco

WHERE: Chinese Culture Center.

WHEN: Opening Thursday, March 15, 2012.

TITLE: On the Edge of Culture

BRIEF ABOUT: A group exhibition from the 1.5 generation, those artists having a foothold in two or more cultures, features CCC’s inaugural Artist-in-Residence Carol Koffel, with Stella Zhang, Jiang Xueman, Liang Liting, Liu Yin, and a video exchange with Fei Contemporary Art Center in Shanghai.

"Splash" by Carol Koffel (c)

     Koffel says, “My art practice investigates the gap and dichotomy between verbal and non-verbal communication. In site-specific installations prepared to invite unconscious impulses, kinesthetic reactions and improvisational play. Thorough the use of line, form and natural phenomenon, the work embraces a rhizomatic aesthetic that honors forces of affect and interdependency.

     As a maker, I relay my unconscious states into the visible realm. Here, I transgress real, imposed, or imagined boundaries to challenge unspoken codes and the status quo. Art as catalyst to heal our invisible wounds through experiential events in orchestrated space.”


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