Art-to-Art Palette Journal

CA: San Luis Obispo

WHERE: Alex Madonna Expo Center.

WHEN: Saturday, June 28 and Sunday, June 29, 2014.

Seven Sister Quilt Show

BRIEF ABOUT: If you are a quilt enthusiast or simply have an eye for a beautiful design, for those 2,000-3,000 attendees from across California and neighboring states, this will be a place to be; the home to some of the most unique quilted arts from along the Gold Coast.

     The event will be hosted by the Associated Quilt Guilds of the Central Coast, which includes quilting guilds from Paso Robles to northern Santa Maria, California. AQGCC strives to foster education through the sharing of teachers, speakers and quilting programs. The group serves as a support network for local guilds with a similar mission to promote continued interest in the fiber arts.

     In addition to the extensive programming during Saturday and Sunday, a keynote lecture entitled “Design Inspiration from Everyday Life” will be given by internationally recognized quilt instructor Jan Krentz. Prior to the show, she will also facilitate two “Quick Starburst” workshops on the Thursday and Friday. Krentz has written four books, created a learning DVD, and was named the 1998 Teacher of Year for her motivational presentations and workshops.

     Although this event will have extensive activities during the daytime hours, San Luis Obispo is located on the Central Coast of California, half way between Los Angeles and San Francisco, certainly can fill your evening hours, from wine tasting in the local vineyards, to visiting a nearby beach, or even stopping by one of the farmers’ markets around the county/

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