Art-to-Art Palette Journal

Call for artworks

CHICO, CALIF (PNAN) – The deadline for submission is Thursday, December 15, 2022 for original artwork whose subject is birds, real or imaginary, wild or not so wild for a juried exhibition to take place during the Chico’s 2023 Snow Goose Festivalwhich celebrates the glorious migration of snow geese on the Pacific Flyway.

Along with traditional art forms, the Museum of Northern California Art accepts work, all media, that demonstrates a unique use of materials, subject matter and approach.

The exhibit will open at the Museum on Thursday, January 26 and run through March 19, 2023.

For more information, Note: Opening Thursday, December 8, 2022, Monca’s new exhibition, “Grayscale Universe!” will feature artwork where black and white, shades of gray, and/or silver are the only colors of the work.

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