(NWPR) – The Wassenberg Art Center in Van Wert, Ohio is preparing for the 33rd Annual October Photography Exhibit. Open to all ages can enter and you do not have to be a professional photographer, but it is strongly recommended to have a good eye for a good picture.
The rules and entry form is available online at: www.vanwert.com/wassenberg, or you can contact the art center at 419.238.6837 or toll free 1.888.238.3837 and request the prospectus mailed. Entries will be taken Saturday, September 11 and Sunday, 12th from 1:00-5:00 pm.
Included with the many other awards, there is a special category of awards for young photographers age 18 and under.
Sponsored by Citizens National Bank, the show opens on Sunday, October 3 and will run through October 29. Admission is always free.
WHERE: Wassenberg Art Center. WHEN: Entries Accepted; Saturday, November 8 and Sunday 9, 2014 from 1:00–5:00 pm. Note: For an alternative time for entry, call 419.238.6837 because no entries accepted after Sunday deadline. Call for Entries: 25th Annual Wassenberg Artists’ Exhibit & Sale MORE DETAILS: Hope Wallace…
The Wassenberg Art Center in Van Wert, Ohio has issued a call for entries for its 55th Annual June Art Exhibit. Entries will be taken Saturday and Sunday, May 21 and 22, from 1:00-5:00 pm. Entry is open to all adult artists (18 and older). A non-refundable fee of $15…
WHERE: Wassenberg Art Center. WHEN: Opens Saturday September 13, 2014 at 6:00 p.m and remains on view through September 28. Editor’s note: During the last week of the show, Saffron encourages visitors to cut down a postcard they find meaningful and take it home. Symphony of My Heart BRIEF…