Art-to-Art Palette Journal

Center has new logo

      If you have seen any literature pertaining to The Wassenberg Art Center lately, you may have noticed that we have a new logo. Logos are more than just a way for people to recognize an organization or company — they are also symbols of what that organization stands for. A lot of planning went into creating a logo to represent the art center’s mission and goals.

     Before the design of a logo could be considered, the Wassenberg’s official mission statement needed formalization. It is as follows:  “The Wassenberg Art Center endeavors to be a catalyst for creative expression and the study of arts and architecture. Through an open and diverse approach, Wassenberg programs are offered as an outreach and to inspire interaction and appreciation of the visual arts to all area cultures and communities.”

     Everything in the logo symbolizes the Wassenberg’s activities, but one of the strongest is an emphasis on ART. We are the Wassenberg ART Center! The big ART in our logo represents our commitment to promoting and encouraging the arts. 

     The corner graphic represents the solid foundation provided by Charles Wassenberg’s legacy to ensure a continued resource for the community to engage in and appreciate art.

     The arc through the center of the ART, connecting all other parts of the design, represents outreach and embraces any and all who are interested in and wish to participate in creative endeavors. People new to the community or from surrounding areas may not be familiar with the Wassenberg name, so emphasis is placed on the word “art” while keeping the tradition of a timeless provision by Wassenberg in the classic fonts used in the words “Wassenberg” and “Center”.

     The mission statement above clarifies the provisions of Mr. Wassenberg’s will by making it clear that the Wassenberg Art Center will be a vehicle for continued creative expression and a resource for the study of the arts/architecture. Diversity is spelled out specifically to encourage new participants and avoid exclusivity. (The current exhibition of artwork by artists with disabilities exemplifies this openness to diversity.)

     Art is a universal language which brings people from different backgrounds together and can help unite us all. If I like Mozart and you like Mozart and we know this about each other, and even if we come from very different backgrounds, this common ground is one element that may help prevent us from killing each other. Art can be a very powerful voice for understanding.

     I hope you will visit the Wassenberg Art Center often to join with us in enjoying art of all kinds.  Our current exhibits, “It’s In the Cards” and “The Art of Therapy” focuses on two very different types of art which both encourage interaction.  These shows, sponsored by Vancrest Health Care Center, will run through May 7.  Exhibit hours are 1-5 p.m. Tuesday through Sunday (closed Mondays) and admission is free. 

     The Wassenberg Art Center is located at 643 S. Washington Street in Van Wert, Ohio.  Contact us by phone at 419.238.6837 or by e-mail at .  Check the calendar on our website, , for current activities.

From Hope Wallace, Executive Director

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