Art-to-Art Palette Journal

Creators unite in come home show

“To Live Within a Projection” (detail), 2020-2022, oil and acrylic on canvas. Shanna Zentner. Image courtesy of the artist.

CHICAGO, IL (AAPNW) – Still on view through Sunday, December 11, 2022, “Passing Through: Artists from DoVA 2012-2021” in the Logan Center Gallery, the exhibition features recent work by 37 artists who have passed through graduate and undergraduate programs at UChicago’s Department of Visual Arts (DoVA). They are:

Carris Adams (MFA 2015); Anthony Adcock (MFA 2013); Anton Auth (MFA 2021); Nick Bastis (MFA 2013); Andrew Bearnot (MFA 2017); Lauren Beck (MFA 2012); Alice Bucknell (BA 2015); Nicki Cherry (BA 2014); Autumn Elizabeth Clark (MFA 2015); Maggie Crowley (MFA 2013); Alana Ferguson (MFA 2021); Madeline Gallucci (MFA 2020); Sara Grose (MFA 2021); Hunter Harvey (MFA 2015); Holden Head (MFA 2020); Elisabeth Hogeman (MFA 2016); Jazmine. (MFA 2019); Maggie Jensen (MFA 2019); Anna Elise Johnson (MFA 2012); Breanne Johnson (BA 2017); Clare Koury (BA 2015); Frances Lee (MFA 2018); Jinn Bronwen Lee (MFA 2014); Franny M. Levitin (MFA 2018); David Lloyd (MFA 2015); Devin T Mays (MFA 2016); Gabriel Moreno (MFA 2016); David Nasca (BA 2012); Nick Raffel (MFA 2014); D Rosen (MFA 2013); Daisy Schultz (MFA 2020); Takashi Shallow (MFA 2018); Brett Swenson (MFA 2020); Ramyar Vala (MFA 2014); Shane Ward (MFA 2012); Shanna Zentner (MFA 2017) and Ang Ziqi Zhang (BA 2016).

For additional programming events, see

Rutu Modan, Exit Wounds, Drawn & Quarterly 2007.

Exit Wounds & Other Stories: A Selection of Works by Rutu Modan stays on view through January 2023 in the Café Logan. The exhibit presents Modan’s work across different genres, including her graphic novels, children’s book illustrations and comics.

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