Art-to-Art Palette Journal

Eating well daily tips

Most people don’t know as much as they should about nutrition. Consequently, although they might want to eat better, they don’t know how. This report will give you a good grounding in basic nutritional tips, which will definitely give you a leg up, the next time you are trying to make wise food choices.

     Improve the overall quality of your diet by only eating organic products or raw vegetables. They are grown naturally without the use of artificial fertilizers, antibiotics, pesticides or genetically modified organisms.

These foods are great because they will supply just the nutrients that your skin needs and nothing extra that will yield fat or irritation. Additionally, you will feel better during the day and energetic while working or at school.

Limit the amount of juice and soda that are consumed in your household. While juice does contain some vitamins, it is not a good substitute for eating the whole fruit with the skin. Soda is basically flavored, carbonated water that costs a lot of money. For optimum health you should spend your calories on healthy foods, not on liquid.

When considering nutrition for a child, be sure that you stick to a standard schedule so that they eat when they are supposed to eat. If a child snacks throughout the day, it is very possible that they will not be hungry enough to eat a full meal and may miss out on nutrients that were not available in their snack food.

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