Exhibit to have treasures from ago

The 2019 Wayne County Extension Homemakers Biennial Quilt Show “Timeless Treasures” is set for Friday, May 24 and Saturday, May 25, from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm at the Wayne County Fairgrounds in Richmond, Indiana.


The Wayne County Extension Homemakers made this quilt in honor of their friends and families affected by cancer.


Have a quilt, whether crafted by yourself or someone dear? There is no charge for displaying a quilt and you can enter as many quilts as you want. Applications are now being accepted for quilts to be exhibited.  Deadline for applications is Friday, May 10.

Besides the premiere quilt exhibition, there will be a special exhibit by Junior Quilters. In addition, there will be craft classes, vendors, silent auction of themed baskets with the proceeds to benefit the Extension Homemakers’ scholarship fund and a garage sale table. Lunch is also available, featuring our famous chicken salad, veggie soup and more.

For more information, including learning more about quilting, email Jessica at craftevent@hotmail.com or call Kathy at 765.855.5185 or see: https://www.facebook.com/WayneCoINQuiltShow