Art-to-Art Palette Journal

Feuer to ‘express’ the lay of the land

"Peaks" by Kari Feuer

     (PNAN-NY) – “Landscape Pairings will be comprised of pairs of oil paintings, one representational landscape with one abstract hung side-by-side.  Some aspect of each pair enhances a conversation between the two–about subject, shapes, colors, and mood,” said Kari Feuer.

     Opening during First Saturday at the Arts Society of Kingston, “Landscape Pairings: A Solo Show by Kari Feuer” opens in the Lounge Gallery on March 5th.  In conjunction, in the Main Gallery, “The Green Show: The Color or the Concept, St. Patrick & More” is a Members’ Exhibition. The shared opening reception is between 5:00-8:00 pm and both shows will remain on view through March 28.

     Working in oils and pastels, Red Hook artist Kari Feuer began a self-study nearly 15 years ago as well as instruction from Wolf Kahn, Elizabeth Mowry, Christie Scheele and Jenny Nelson. “My subject is our magical landscape and the territory between realism and abstraction,” says the artist. Her works are mostly created using a palette knife, scraping and layering in the paints to bring forth a visual ‘loose’ mood, yet the work is not ‘tight’ when compared to another method and medium to depict the subject.

     For several years, Feuer has been painting in both abstract and representational styles, discovering how they both reflect each other, especially in her perceptions of the landscape. When an abstract painting is all or mostly non-objective, a viewer may have second thoughts on what it is all about, however when Kari pairs the works (abstract and representational styles), this provides the visual links of her creative portrayal of a scene or subject.

     For more information, including other programs offered by the Arts Society of Kingston, see, and for artist Feuer see

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