Holiday House is a joyful gala

TROY, OH (NWPR) – Now in its 46th year, “Holiday Open House” at the Troy-Hayner Cultural Center was the very first event that Hayner ever hosted as the new cultural center which has grown into a two-day celebration slated for Saturday, December 3 and Sunday, December 4, 2022. On agenda for these days are:

Holiday Open House, Children’s Day

Saturday, December 3, 2022 – 1:00 to 5:00 pm

1:00 pm: Arts and Crafts All Day

1:00 pm: Ballet Shreffler Demonstration

2:00 pm: Puppet Show – “Gingerbread Jamboree”

2:30 pm: Santa Arrives!

3:30 pm: Puppet Show – “Gingerbread Jamboree”

4:30 pm: Santa departs

Holiday Open House, Grand Opening of the Holiday Décor

Sunday, December 4, 2022 – 1:00 to 5:00 pm. Live music in the East Room all day with over 25 regional musicians.

1:00 pm: The Troy Tones, Troy High School: A Capella Choir

1:30 pm: Loretta Phillips, vocalist and Kane Feltner, saxophone; Christmas jazz and holiday favorites.

2:00 pm: Flutes, chamber music

2:30 pm: Tim Cochlin, saxophone and piano

3:00 pm: Jerry and Vaughn, folk and pop

3:30 pm: Seth Canan, rock and originals

4:00 pm: F.A.D.E., Megan Stumpff and Brian Roeth, favorites and covers

4:30 pm: Two Unicorns with Sean Shultis and Bettina Solis; Celtic and traditional

For more on these holiday events and other programming, see