Art-to-Art Palette Journal

IA: Des Moines

“Study XIII – Theater”, 1997, woodcut, 13 x 6 3/4 inches, by Richard Estes (American, born 1932) Des Moines Art Center Permanent Collections; Gift of Peg Buckley, 2010.99
“Study XIII – Theater”, 1997, woodcut, 13 x 6 3/4 inches, by Richard Estes (American, born 1932) Des Moines Art Center Permanent Collections; Gift of Peg Buckley, 2010.99.

WHERE: Des Moines Art Center.

WHEN: On view through April 14, 2013 in the Blank One Gallery.

TITLE: Double Feature

BRIEF ABOUT: Organized by Laura Burkhalter, associate curator and Jill Featherstone, director of education, Double Feature showcases work by John Baldessari, Christian Jankowski, Cindy Sherman and Andy Warhol, as well as the exhibition explores the relationship between art and the movies, from cinema’s earliest days to the digital revolution of the 21st century.

     As a major form of popular entertainment in the early 20th century, the cinema has exerted a profound influence over other forms of culture, including the visual arts, and in turn many filmmakers have looked toward art history to inspire the unique worlds they project on screen.

MORE DETAILS: Call 515.277.4405 or

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