Art-to-Art Palette Journal

Imagination overload

“Caleb’s Daydream” watercolor, 30 x 22 inches, Tom Emerine

If you love art but have a hard time deciding which media you are most comfortable with, choose them all! There is nothing wrong with multi-tasking your skills. Tom Emerine is a perfect example of how you can paint with watercolors and oil, or create functional ceramics. Bringing out the best in nature with icy clarity or feeling the mood of a child at play make Emerine’s watercolors jump to life.


Tom has always had an active imagination. The mind can take you to unknown heights in what is real and what is felt. Art gives you the opportunity to materialize these thoughts and to share with the world. Tom sells his fine works of art at art fairs, consignment stores and online.

Large hanging platter, pottery, diameter 15 inches, Tom Emerine.

“All that stirs within me has danced in the hearts of those who have gone before me. With the work of my hands, may I honor them and the One who is forever faithful.” Thomas M. Emerine

Emerine has been a high school art teacher at Van Wert High School for over 20 years. His goal of teaching others how to dream and materialize anything has always been first and foremost. The interaction with people stimulates his mind and brings out his playful nature.

Graduating from Bowling Green State University with a bachelor’s degree, he gives credit to the magnificent instructors for giving him the zeal to move forward with art. He went on to earn his master’s degree at Bluffton College.

“White Iris” watercolor, 22 x 30 inches, Tom Emerine.

While teaching was an inspiration, Tom loved to create. In 2007, he opened a studio where the best of both worlds could be realized. Here he draws, paints and weaves clay into vessels of beauty. The outlet for his imagination overload is fulfilled as he works non-stop for hours. Time becomes secondary to his love in bringing a magical transformation from mind to hands.

“Fatal Attraction” pencil, 21 x 13 inches, Tom Emerine.

     Many creations have earned awards through juried art competitions. These include the William Nunnamaker Award at the Findlay Art League, 1st Place and Best of Show at the Delphos Art Guild and 1st Place award at the Gateway Arts Council in Sidney, Ohio. However, the awards do not mean as much to Emerine as do the memories made with those that share his creative nature.

For an itinerary of upcoming presentations or call to make an appointment to see his lively studio, see: Filled with landscape paintings, wildlife drawings and ceramic pieces; your mind will be opened to the various medias available for your personal calling.

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