Art-to-Art Palette Journal

June show on the horizon









At the Wassenberg with Hope Wallace, Executive Director

We are getting the place ready for the check-in process for our 58th Annual June Art Exhibit. While hosting this exhibit is all new to us in our new space, this is not the first time the show has been held here in the former Van Wert Armory. As we know moving from one place to another can cause items long forgotten to surface. We found newspaper clippings and pictures detailing that this exhibit has been held here in the 1950s-60s. Full Circle. Happily, we won’t be going anywhere for quite some time.

Katy Mounts, one of the original Wassenberg Art Club leaders is pictured here enjoying artwork from the Wassenberg June Art Exhibit in 1960.

    My birdhouse for the Annual Wassenberg Peony Festival fundraiser is sitting on my kitchen counter waiting around for some inspiration. If I stare at it and move it out of the way long enough, I will eventually haul out my paints and attack it. There is a myriad of possibilities and to just settle on just one is proving to be a difficult decision. Artist-painted birdhouses will be sold by silent auction here at the art center during this year’s Van Wert Flower show. The Van Wert Flower Show has also “come home” to the former armory and will be held June 6 and 7. Welcome home!

Both the Van Wert Flower Show and the Wassenberg June Art Exhibit were once held in the former Van Wert Armory. Times-Bulletin photo, June 9, 1958.

     Jurors for 58th Annual June Art Exhibit are Lisa Vetter and Paul Siefert of Spencerville, Indiana. The exhibit runs from June 14- July 6 and we are pleased to announce that popular Dan Dickerson and the Harp Condition out of Fort Wayne will be performing at this year’s opening reception for June 14 at which begins at 6:00 pm. As usual there will be great food and refreshments available in celebration of the strong visual and performing arts community in our region.

     For information on exhibits, classes and programs listed on there as well. The Wassenberg Art Center is located at 214 South Washington Street (former Van Wert Armory) in Van Wert, Ohio. We can be reached by telephone at: 419.238.6837, email: and our website is:


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