Locals shine at county fair

     (NWPR-OH) – With a broad appreciation for visual art and originally from Denmark, Jens Svendsen of Hamler judged the local art exhibit at the Van Wert County Fair, which was staged from August 31 through September 5, 2011. Jens has taught art at Bowling Green State University and has a Masters of Art in Fine Art and an R.N. in psychiatric nursing.

     Jens said, “I would like to take some time to thank the Van Wert County Foundation for inviting me as juror for this fine arts show, and to share my reflections about the works presented. An annual County Fair is all about people and the community they belong to — a place where pride merges with fun and all the best such a community has to offer. This is also the case for a County Fair Fine Arts Show where one can come across the unexpected and the originally vibrant.  As juror of the Van Wert County Fair I was delighted to experience work of such diverse nature. The work awarded had that extra nerve and appeal that makes for a work out of the ordinary.”

     He went on to say that art exhibits can be challenging to jury because of their subjective nature and it should be of little consequence whether or not an award was given, “because the overall presence of affirmation of life and joy was immediate and moving. My own contribution to this show is to encourage everyone to ‘keep at it’ and continue to be the life force at these events.”

     Best of Show went to Val Sluterbeck of Van Wert for his watercolor painting, “Eyeball Tree.” Second best of show went to Kylene Murphy of Mendon, with Third Best of Show winner being Danielle Bradford of Van Wert.  Others who placed were: Oil or Acrylic: first place — Janet Ravas of Scotia, New York; second place —Val Sluterbeck; third place – Kay Sluterbeck of Van Wert.  Watercolor: first place – Val Sluterbeck; second place – Kay Sluterbeck; – third place – Janet Ravas.  Drawing:  first place – Danielle Bradford; second place – Jackie Brandt; third place – Kylene Murphy.  Pastel:  first place – Deborah Steinmetz; second place – Deborah Steinmetz; third place – Kylene Murphy.  Mixed Media:  first place – Pat Rayman of Van Wert County, Ohio; second place – Pat Rayman; third place – Kay Sluterbeck.  Ink:  first place – Kylene Murphy; second place – Kylene Murphy; third place – John Lianez.   New this year was the “Director’s Choice Award”. In painting it went to John Lianez and for photography, Josh Hattery.