Art-to-Art Palette Journal

Make your own brand

Orange essential oil is great for everything. Cleaning, killing fire ants or warming in a diffuser can keep you running to the store for more. This simple recipe and have plenty on hand. You will know that it is natural and pure.

What you will need: Orange peels (scrape away as much of the white pith as you can), Glass jar with tight fitting lid, Vodka, Coffee filter and a Paper Towel.

How to prepare: Dry the orange peels on a paper towel somewhere warm and out of direct sunlight until they are hard. This usually takes about two days depending on the humidity (cut into strips for faster results).

Cut the dried orange peels into smaller pieces with a sharp knife and put the diced peels into a glass jar. Warm the alcohol, by placing the bottle of vodka into a bowl filled with hot tap water. Pour the vodka into the jar until it covers the orange peel.

Screw on the lid and shake the jar. Shake it vigorously for a couple of minutes. Do this a few times a day for three or more days. The more you shake it and the longer you leave the peels in the vodka, the more oil will be extracted.

Strain the peels into a bowl using a coffee filter or cheese cloth. Squeeze all the liquid into the bowl. Cover the dish with a kitchen paper towel or cheese cloth. Be careful not to let the towel fall into the liquid. Let it sit for a few days and when the alcohol has evaporated, what remains will be orange oil.

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