Art-to-Art Palette Journal

ME: Portland

WHERE: Portland Museum of Art

WHEN: Monday, January 23

BRIEF ABOUT: The Nelson Social Justice Fund will present a lecture with artist Andrea Zittel. The program will begin at 6:00 pm and is free at the Museum with doors opening at 5:30 p.m. A book signing will follow.

     Zittel is noted for her sculptures and installations that explore how we live, what we need, and personal freedom. From her first ‘living unit” that experimented in reducing all that a person needs into a small compact space, to her commission from the Indianapolis Museum of Art to build Indianapolis Island, a fully inhabitable floating island for the Museum’s lake, her work explores individualism, community, and sustainable living.

     For the artist, home, furniture, and clothing all become the sites of investigation in an ongoing endeavor to better understand human nature and the social construction of needs. Andrea lives and works in Joshua Tree, California and to learn more about her achievements and activities –

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