Art-to-Art Palette Journal

ME: Portland

WHERE: Portland Museum of Art.

WHEN: Opens Saturday, July 28 and remains on view through January 13, 2013.

TITLE: The Portland Society of Art: Winslow Homer’s Legacy in Maine

BRIEF ABOUT: For the first time, this exhibition will examine the artistic relationship between the painter Winslow Homer, his close friend the architect John Calvin Stevens as well as the early years of the Portland Society of Art. With architectural drawings and a range of paintings and watercolors by Homer and his Maine contemporaries, this installation of 50 rotating works will provide a deeper understanding of Portland’s art world at the turn of the last century.

     Also included will be southern Maine scenes by artists Charles Kimball and George Morse, Casco Bay seascapes by Harrison Bird Brown, and watercolors by Mary King Longfellow. These paintings will be installed next to pictorialist photographs by William B. Post, Frank Laing, and other members of the Portland Camera Club.

MORE DETAILS: Call 207.775.6148 or

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