Members’ Show set for the walls

     (NWPR-OH) – The 20th Annual Members’ Show and Sale will go on view from Sunday, November 20 at the Wassenberg Art Center in Van Wert, Ohio, and displayed through December 11.

     Director Michele Hiegel tells, “We always look forward to this exhibit because of the wonderful variety of work entered.  It is also fun because it includes work from every level, beginner to professional.  It’s a great exhibit to visit and enjoy, and it lets area artists display their work and gives people an opportunity to buy original art at small-town prices.  It is a win-win show for everyone!”

     The Members’ Show, both a judged and sales display, also gives the public an opportunity to see the work of talented, creative people in the Northwestern Ohio area, including members from New York, Indiana, Michigan and Georgia.

     The following awards will be presented:  United Art & Education Award, $100 gift card; Art-to-Art Palette Journal Award, $100; Mary McVay Worthington Memorial Award,$75; Van Wert County Foundation Award, $50; Douglas Koch Memorial Award,$50; Gertrude Sluterbeck Memorial Award,$25; Director’s Award, $25; Barley Charles Award (best animal), $25, four Merit Awards of $20 each; Cheap Joe’s Art Stuff Award,$35 merchandise certificate, tote bag and apron.

     Any member who has not received a prospectus with rules and entry forms by Friday, October 15, should contact the art center.  Entries together with completed entry form can be turned in at the WAC from Friday, October 22 through Friday, November 5.  (Note: We will not be able to take entries on Sunday, Oct. 31 unless arrangements are made in advance.)

     For additional information on the Members’ Show, exhibits, activities, classes and membership, call 419.238.6837, or toll free 1.888.238.3837, or by e-mail at,  or log on; or in person at 643 South Washington Street, Tuesday through Sunday, 1:00-5:00 pm.