Memories made perfect


     One of my favorite museums is the Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute in Williamstown, Massachusetts. I immensely enjoy the drive through the winding country roads leading to the museum which sets the tone for a wonderful day. My sister Janet and I look forward to this visit, especially during the summertime.

     Pulling onto the long driveway, I couldn’t help but notice figures on the lawn dotting the landscape. Upon closer examination, I discovered the figures were made out of sticks and straw wearing vintage clothing. The people were involved in chores such as apple picking, sawing wood and gathering straw.

     The theme began before I even entered The Clark and it didn’t take long before I realized the meaning behind all the figures which lead to the title of the exhibit, “Pissarro’s People” which is on view through October 2, 2011. This was a wonderful introduction to a series of beautiful heartwarming paintings.

     Pissarro had woven a tapestry of the dignity of labor using family, friends, maids and field workers. He also concentrated on the importance of rest, bringing into focus that rural life was fulfilling, happy and simple.

     For a few hours, I and my sister were part of Pissarro’s world. There are two galleries devoted to his sketches and drawings he created before his paintings. I was amazed how just a few strokes using charcoal defined the composition. He lived in complete dedication to his art and ideals.

     For more information, see

Review by Pat Rayman


     The “Pissarro People” exhibit was an eye opener for me. In teaching art history to my students, I never really was interested in considering this artist until now.

     I was so taken by the person he was and his work. He did remind me of Renoir who loved his family and used them in his work. Also Van Gogh, who even though was a very troubled man, yet he always made the time to help people less fortunate.

     Pissarro was a gentle man and treated the rural workers with high respect.  His series of paintings dedicated to the rural workers showed them in labor tasks and in leisure. When you looked deep into each painting, you knew that Pissarro cared about these workers.

Review by Janet Ravas