Art-to-Art Palette Journal

Mozart lives again in the Schuster house

Hank Dahlman

     (NWPR-OH) – Sharing is a good thing and most of us learn this in our youth. Although we might not have known we were practicing philanthropy, we came to understand that giving to other people or important causes made us feel good. Two such people were no different than the philanthropists of yesterday, Benjamin and Marian Schuster, who through their generosity have been the driving force, including their desire to share what the world has graciously given them as well as not expecting reward or recognition.

     When it opened in March 2003, not only did it coincide with the 70th anniversary of the Dayton Philharmonic Orchestra, but also the Benjamin and Marian Schuster Performing Arts Center became the nucleus for Dayton’s performing arts community. In addition, it also serves as the home of the Dayton Opera Association, the Victoria Theatre Association, Dayton Ballet Association, as well as DPO that stages all or some of their seasons at the Schuster Center, rightfully noted as a world-class, state-of-the-art performance hall that has attracted arts aficionados from all corners of the nation.

Patrick Reynolds

     On Friday October 15  and Saturday 16 with both performance times at 8:00 pm, the Dayton Philharmonic Orchestra’s 2010-2011 Miami Valley & Good Samaritan Hospitals Classical Series continues with Mozart’s Eternal Requiem. Tickets are available at or call 888.228.3630.

     Joining the DPO for Mozart’s Requiem will be the DPO Chorus, under the direction of Hank Dahlman, and soloists Lynne Giacalone Church, soprano; Kathleen Clawson, mezzo soprano; Randall Black, tenor; and William Henry Caldwell, baritone. 

     In addition to the Mozart’s Requiem, the concerts will also include Tromba Lontana by American composer John Adams, and the symphony Mathis der Maler by German composer Paul Hindemith. Assistant Conductor of the DPO, Patrick Reynolds will conduct the Adams and Hindemith works.

    The Arts and its communities, regardless of their physical location prosper all different ways, but it is the people who step forward by not only giving their financial support, but also their gift of time and expertise. Their participation validates the good that comes from sharing as well as a being an in-person recipient, experiencing live by a new generation who were all gifted to carry forth historical works of art.

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