Art-to-Art Palette Journal

MT: Billings

WHERE: Yellowstone Art Museum.

WHEN: Friday, April 27, 2012, 7:00 pm.

BRIEF ABOUT: President of the international Studio Art Quilt Associates (SAQA), Dr. Sandra Sider will present a lecture titled: “People, Places, and Things in the Creative Force 2012 Exhibition” which is currently on view through June 10, 2012 at YAM. The exhibit, “Creative Force: The Studio Art Quilt” consists of 50 creations that were juried from a pool of 384 entries received from 179 international artists. In addition, she will also be present for several sessions of critiques of quilters’ work through April 28.


     Sandra Sider is a New York fiber artist and independent curator who has published articles and reviews concerning fiber art and other aspects of visual culture for three decades.  Her graduate degrees include an M.A. in art history from the Institute of Fine Arts, New York University.  Her most recent book is Pioneering Quilt Artists, 1960-1980: A New Direction in American Art.  She is President of SAQA and Consulting Curator for the Texas Quilt Museum.  She also teaches art history online for the University of Colorado, Colorado Springs.

MORE DETAILS: Call YAM at 406.256.6804 or Brooke Atherton, SAQA Co-Rep for Montana and Idaho at  or 406.318.4521. Editor’s note: SAQA is non-profit organization whose mission is to promote the art quilt through education, exhibitions, professional development, and documentation.


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