Art-to-Art Palette Journal

MT: Missoula

“Meditation in NYC”, acrylic on board by Louise Lamontagne.
“Meditation in NYC”, acrylic on board by Louise Lamontagne.

WHERE: Missoula Art Museum.

WHEN: On view through September 29, 2013 in the Shott Family Gallery.

TITLE: Louise Lamontagne: My Closet Collection

BRIEF ABOUT:  This exhibit features an unseen body of work by St. Ignatius, Montana artist Louise Lamontagne. As her first solo show, she says about her new body of work,

“Between 2005 and 2010, while away from Montana attending to family commitments, I decided it was finally time. Not having the lure of the Montana landscape to distract and inspire me, I looked inward. I created hundreds of sketches and paintings in a variety of mediums during those years. I often begin after a period of meditation, or inspirational reading but many times I just started. No reference photo, no external imagery, just a desire to paint and express. These pieces are intimate and intuitive, spontaneous and raw. They are my ‘prayers’ expressed in paint. I have hidden these paintings in my closet for years believing they were not for others to see.”

MORE DETAILS: Call MAM at 406.728.0447 or see or more on the artist at

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