Art-to-Art Palette Journal

MT: Missoula

“Split War Shield”, cast handmade paper, mixed media by Corwin Clairmont.
“Split War Shield”, cast handmade paper, mixed media by Corwin Clairmont.

WHERE: Missoula Art Museum.

WHEN: On view through Sunday, September 22, 2013 in the Lela Autio Education Gallery.

TITLE: Indian Education for All

BRIEF ABOUT: Education Curator Renée Taaffe selected works from MAM’s Contemporary American Indian Art Collection to share with the fourth grade classes. The project is unique in using contemporary art objects, for the most part, fall into the historical arena and feature traditional aspects of native culture.

“Buffalo Thinking of Ancestors #2”, monotype by Corwin Clairmont.

     Though this aspect is critically important, often the contemporary voice of Native people speaking about today’s concerns is lost; thusly, in contrast to this, the contemporary art works chosen by artists Corwin Clairmont and Jaune Quick-to-See Smith, address contemporary concerns.

     Clairmont’s work references important environmental concerns that the tribe has been contending with over the past few decades and Quick- to- See Smith’s work speaks to the continuity of native culture as it operates in the world today.

MORE DETAILS: Call 406.728.0447 or

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