Art-to-Art Palette Journal

Museum has hometown artist on their mind

ATHENS, GA (PNAN) – Since 1962, Lou Stovall has lived and worked in Washington, D.C., but his artistic journey will come full circle next year, with a return to his birthplace of Athens, Georgia, to receive the Larry D. and Brenda A. Thompson Award from the Georgia Museum of Art this April 2022. The museum presents this award annually to a living African American artist who has a strong connection to Georgia and has made significant but often lesser-known contributions to the visual arts tradition of the state.

Lou Stovall in his Cleveland Park home studio 1974.

Stovall first encountered silkscreen printmaking at the age of 15, working at a grocery store. He was captivated by the practice and spent hours making prints, which eventually earned him a scholarship to the Rhode Island School of Design, where he studied before entering Howard University. As a student at Howard, he made posters for classmates and friends, lending his voice to matters both artistic and political. Early collaborators in these days included activist Stokely Carmichael and artists Sylvia Snowden and Lloyd McNeill.

After graduating, Stovall was inspired by many to give back to his community and teach young artists the craftsmanship he attained through continuous practice. He started Workshop, Inc., which initially focused on community posters and evolved into a highly respected printmaking facility.

Over the years Stovall printed for many artists of international acclaim, such as Jacob Lawrence, Sam Gilliam, Elizabeth Catlett, Robert Mangold and Gene Davis. Alongside his collaborations, Lolu also made key innovations in the medium of silkscreen.

Artist Stovall built a community of artists in Washington and extended his efforts to inspire artists all over the country. His own artistry was often overlooked until recent years, but now it has found its way into public and private collections around the world.

“When I first came to Athens, I immediately thought of Lou Stovall since I recalled that this was his birthplace. To finally honor an artist whose work and collaborations with other artists has inspired communities for so many decades, is an important aspect of the Thompson Award. We look forward to welcoming him back to his native Athens,” expressed Shawnya Harris, the museum’s Larry D. and Brenda A. Thompson Curator of African American and African Diasporic Art.

Lou Stovall (American, b. 1937), “Sea to Shining Sea,” 2009. Silkscreen, 20 20 inches (sheet). Collection of Di and Lou Stovall.

In addition, Curator Harris is organizing the exhibition “Lou Stovall: Of Land and Origins” which will be on display at the museum February 19 to May 29, 2022. It will include several silkscreens from Stovall’s 1974 series “Of the Land,” which form the basis of a book of art and poetry called “Of the Land: The Art and Poetry of Lou Stovall,” edited by Will Stovall and due to be published by the Georgetown University Press in 2022.

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