Art-to-Art Palette Journal

Natural ways for a healthy pond

…”water cress, water iris, water hyacinth and variegated water celery are all floating plants that filter the water…”

Ponds are becoming an alternative to lake water and pools that hold bacteria and other contaminants. Without getting into the gross details, both are prone to hold unhealthy levels of illness-causing microbes from animals and humans.

Chemicals are never a good alternative for keeping a pond healthy. There are some natural methods that can reduce your algae, remove contaminants and keep sludge from piling up on the bottom. Nothing is an overnight cure, but with diligence and a few seasons, your pond will transform into its natural state.

There are different types of straw, but barley straw has been found to be the most effective in ridding a pond of algae. Make sure that the straw is dry and not moist. Barley straw works to inhibit development of algae, but is not effective in controlling existing algae.

Treat your pond before it becomes overgrown with algae. The month of April is the perfect time to treat a pond with straw before the algae has a chance to grow and reproduce.

It is imperative to keep at least one side of your pond lined with clear water tall plants. This helps to prevent the growth of bacteria from the sun and also provides remediation of the soil and the water.

Indian Hemp is one of the best plants to use in filtering contaminants from water and soil. However, there are many states that have not yet approved for this purpose. Indiana mustard and sunflowers also provide a good service for phytoremediation. Water parley and cattails are good choices for removing lead, cobalt, zinc, cadmium and nitrate from water.

Being able to see below the surface of a pond can bring hours of joy especially if you have different types of fish. Clear Water Plants such as, water cress, water iris, water hyacinth and variegated water celery are all floating plants that filter the water.

Once their roots take hold, they offer a free cleaning service for your pond. Quite aesthetic to look at, they also block the sun rays from promoting algae growth and make great breeding grounds for fish.

It takes a bit of work to keep a pond clean and free from contaminants, but the results are priceless and all-natural.


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