Art-to-Art Palette Journal

NC: Raleigh

WHERE: CAM Raleigh

WHEN: On view Saturday, January 28 through April 30, 2012.

“Snow Mirror” 2006 by Daniel Rozin. Computer, custom software, video camera, projector, silk. Dimensions variable. (Courtesy of bitforms gallery, New York, and ITP, Tisch School of the Arts, New York.)

TITLE: Born Digital

BRIEF ABOUT: An exhibition on Interactive Digital Design and New Media Trends featuring 18 inventive artworks, including works by Daniel Rozin’s Snow Mirror; Jacob Ciocci’s  Copy Cat; and Karolina Sobecka’s interactive artwork Sniff.

MORE DETAILS: Call 919.513.0946 or see:

Palette News Art Network/PNAN
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