Art-to-Art Palette Journal

NC: Raleigh

WHERE: CAM Raleigh.

WHEN: On view Saturday, May 19 through September 2, 2012.

José Lerma, El Pendejo, 2011, installation at Galerie Loock/Wohnmaschine, Berlin, Germany.

TITLE: The Credentialist

BRIEF ABOUT: A new body of 18 artworks by José Lerma, who creates intricate installations that combine painting and non-traditional materials such as reflective fabrics and commercial carpet, relying on a compendium of mediums, references, and elements that combine his personal history and extensive academic accolades with his awareness of social history.

     In his paintings, Lerma employs images of Baroque style portraits of historical, famous French Bankers from the 18th Century, which are signified by wigged portraits. The artworks in this exhibition are monumental, featuring a liberal use of brush strokes, doodles, and highlights of paint to underscore the sketch-like quality of the drawings. By distorting and often erasing the features of the faces, only leaving profiles or frontal views of wigs, Lerma’s work also references the paintings of Francis Bacon and Philip Guston.


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