“Narrative readers will discover the author’s voice lights up when he tells of Benjamin’s relationships in regards to his Jewish and Catholic faiths, cultural heritage and career path with the Wisdom of Nana via Gebo Passage’s interwoven story lines.”
“Fiction with very much memoir non-fiction truths all blended with wholesome-ship.”
The “Wisdom of Nana via the Gebo Passage” is a magical short story about a young lad’s future when his Grandmother foretold it from the roll of the Rune stones. Author Ben Rayman pens the words, crafts the scenes with just enough ‘memoir’ detail in his narrative storytelling style which…
WHERE: Delphos Museum of Postal History and Delphos Area Art Guild WHEN: Exhibition is February 19, 2012 TITLE: 'Going Postal - What's It To You?' BRIEF ABOUT: The Call for Mail Art deadline is February 11, 2012. With today's techno advances, will snail mail become a thing of our past?…
(NWPR-OH) – It was in 1972, when Dr. Ralph Stuckman discovered after taking a pottery class it expanded not only his appreciation for the arts, but also gave him a new balance in his then academic career. Although words were the primary focus used in his career employment, this…