Art-to-Art Palette Journal

New works to be hung

From the Decline Of Man Series. No. 4 by Jeff Freeman.
From the Decline Of Man Series. No. 4 by Jeff Freeman.


Selections From the Permanent Collection | Jeff Freeman and Signe Stuart goes on view Friday, August 14 through October 10, 2015, in the Ruth Brennan Gallery at the Dahl Arts Center in Rapid City, South Dakota. Viewers will have the opportunity to see 18 new additions to our permanent collection from the artist Freeman as well as two new additions by artist Stuart.

     Jeff Freeman’s pieces were donated by the artist in 2013 and Signe Stuart’s paintings were donated the same year by Arthur Amiotte. After 31 years of teaching painting, Freeman retired from the University of South Dakota and Stuart, who retired in 1994, was an art professor at South Dakota State University.


Larval, Headlands by Jeff Freeman.


     Since then, Stuart is a full-time artist in Santa Fe. New Mexico and Freeman works as an artist in Vermillion, South Dakota.

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