Art-to-Art Palette Journal

NM: Santa Fe

WHERE: New Mexico Museum of Art.

WHEN: Opens May 11, 2012.

“Indios”, 2002 by Ray Martin Abeyta (b. 1956), oil on linen, New Mexico Museum of Art, 2004.11.1, Gift of Ray Graham and Ray Martin Abeyta, 2004.

TITLE: It’s About Time: 14,000 Years of Art in New Mexico

BRIEF ABOUT: The show will celebrate the centennial of statehood by presenting a social history of the art in the Southwest with 120 works of art that include Native American, Hispanic American and European American works as a single, holistic tradition, not three separate traditions that never interact. Most of the objects in the exhibition were made to be art and others became art by metamorphosis when objects were understood in new cultural contexts. The works range from representational images to abstractions paintings.


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