Art-to-Art Palette Journal

No childhood storybook romance in film

SOME OTHER YOUTH ACTORS (l-r) Skyler Labetti, Richard Meehan, Savannah Reinitzer, Meredith Prunty and Randi Bennett.

     (PNAN-USA) – Projected to hit the marquees in New York, Los Angeles and Bucharest in November 2011, the movie “Abused in America” will not only raise the eyebrows of the viewers, but also it will leave hearts in a rage of desperation, but as German poet, novelist and dramatist, Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe (1749-1832) once said, “We cannot fashion our children after our desires, we must have them and love them as God has given them to us.”

     Although Wolfgang’s words are to the point, requiring no self-questioning, like What does he mean?; the facts recorded in America reveals child mistreatment is not on a decline, however aggressive steps have been taken to not only educate, but also alert the population of the ‘no more’ steps being enacted to fend off the predators, who will suffer the consequences with a hell’s furry.

Actress Dakota Labetti-6 yrs old

     Currently in production, “Abused in America” is a movie being filmed in Brasov, Romania, consisting of over 100 actors, who are giving their voice to the thousands of children abused. Their roles will tell the tales of what lies ahead for them: Future residents of the streets, victims of the prostitution and drug markets and even the graveyards, yet there is a cure for the plight of the victimized. “Simply the abuse must stop,” said Director Bruno Pischiutta. “And if it takes an uprising by the people, this would be one giant leap for human rights.”

    Producer Daria Trifu of Adhara Properties, Inc. says the film “…is a monumental and historical feature film exposing the sexual, physical and mental abuse of children in the US.” Adhara, the production company, has financed the entire research and development stages. “The movie specifically focuses on the US because with the power of the mainstream media, like USA Today, Huffington Post, New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Denver Post, Chicago Tribune, Miami Herald, including the Anderson Cooper, Diane Sawyer and Eliot Spitzer types, this horrible victimization of our children in this world; I strongly believe will end,” added Trifu.

     In addition to what makes this movie an Oscar contender in the Best Picture category, many of the world class talent have chosen to either wave or defer their fees until it initially is released in theaters. “Like Pischiutta, they want the abuse ended,” says Trifu. “Their belief in Abused in America has enabled me to successfully attract private investors, who not only share the same belief, but also will enjoy a projected 400% return.

     However, Trifu still needs to attract additional $800k in order to kick-start the shooting on March 14. “All-in-all, Adhara has covered $2.6 million of the film’s budget and I would like to send a PPM to serious inquiries or they can reach me at (+1) 646-300-9232 or email:

     As it has been said by many in different ways, “Children are our greatest asset,” probably Trifu has summed up what is best about her movie when she quoted Warren Buffett: “If you’re in the luckiest 1 per cent of humanity, you owe it to the rest of humanity to think about the other 99 per cent.”

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