Art-to-Art Palette Journal

NY: Kingston

bees1WHERE: Arts Society of Kingston.

WHEN: Opens Saturday, January 5, 2013 with artist reception from 5:00-8:00 pm.

TITLE: Plan Bee

BRIEF ABOUT: Through January, ASK will be featuring a very special exhibition. The theme, Colony Collapse Disorder in Honeybees, will display many different artists’ works, created by residents of the Northeast Center for Special Care in Lake Katrine, a facility specializing in the treatment and rehabilitation of individuals with brain injury.

     Brain injury, a long misunderstood and frequently misdiagnosed medical condition afflicts people of all walks of life and from diverse socio-economic backgrounds.  The NCSC which opened in 1999 is the only facility of its kind in the United States and has since its inception focused on fine arts as a major contributing factor in the healing process. 

     The works produced on a day-to-day basis are startling in both color and form and provide an outlet for individuals coping with impairments physical and cognitive.  “Art is inspiration.  Art is healing.  Art is joyful.  Art is an immeasurable benefit to the (resident) neighbors.  Art addresses the spirit, which recovery requires,” describes a resident’s family member, Joan Powers.

MORE DETAILS: Call 845.338.0331 or  NOTE:  “If the Shoe Fits” by ASK members will also be showing.

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