Art-to-Art Palette Journal

OH: Van Wert



WHERE: Wassenberg Art Center.

WHEN: Opens Saturday September 13, 2014 at 6:00 p.m and remains on view through September 28. Editor’s note: During the last week of the show, Saffron encourages visitors to cut down a postcard they find meaningful and take it home.

Symphony of My Heart

BRIEF ABOUT: Mail art is typically collages of mixed media placed on a post card, with instructions to the post office to hand cancel and are they are mailed as is, which in this exhibit, the cards were mailed to the Wassenberg, which is comprised of over 500 cards categorized as mail art by Iowa artist Saffron Goetschius.

MORE DETAILS: For information on this exhibit, classes and programs, the Wassenberg Art Center is located at 214 South Washington Street. They can be reached by telephone at: 419.238.6837 as well online:

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